Can parts be swapped out? For example, I want different RAM, or a different motherboard.

Yes! Our kits comprise of the best selling combinations of hardware based on our sales records as well as experience in selecting components that are compatible with one another.

There are quite literally millions of possible hardware combinations. If we take just 15 CPUs, 50 motherboards, and 100 different RAM options - a tiny fraction of what we offer - there are already 75,000 possible combinations. Add to that one of just 5 coolers and just 30 of the hundreds of SSDs we offer, and this number jumps to more than 11 MILLION combinations.

If we look at numbers more representative of our actual offerings (more than 60 current CPUs, more than 120 current motherboard, more than 500 RAM options, more than 250 current SSDs and more than 100 coolers, the number approaches 100 BILLION combinations.

The numbers increase exponentially so we can't cover every possibility, but if there's a change you'd like made please chat to us via live chat, WhatsApp, email or phone call.

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